Top 10 quotes from zero to one


Zero to one is an amazing book for entrepreneurs. It gives a full blueprint for building a successful business. In this blog post, we list out 10 amazing quotes from zero to one.


  1. “The best entrepreneurs know this: every great business is built around a secret that’s hidden from the outside. A great company is a conspiracy to change the world; when you share your secret, the recipient becomes a fellow conspirator.”


  1. “The most valuable businesses of coming decades will be built by entrepreneurs who seek to empower people rather than try to make them obsolete.”


  1. “Monopoly is the condition of every successful business.”


  1. “If your product requires advertising or salespeople to sell it, it’s not good enough: technology is primarily about product development, not distribution.”


  1. “You should focus relentlessly on something you’re good at doing, but before that, you must think hard about whether it will be valuable in the future.”


  1. “Moving first is a tactic, not a goal.”



  1. “You’ve invented something new but you haven’t invented an effective way to sell it, you have a bad business—no matter how good the product.”


  1. “CREATIVE MONOPOLY means new products that benefit everybody and sustainable profits for the creator. Competition means no profits for anybody, no meaningful differentiation, and a struggle for survival.”


  1. “The road doesn’t have to be infinite after all. Take the hidden paths.”


  1. “In a world of scarce resources, globalization without new technology is unsustainable.”


